• Increased self-awareness  

    For self-conscious teenagers, they may be intimidated by the obvious braces being noticeable or being criticized, and it may be difficult to overcome the mental barrier.

  • Love to be involved  

    Enthusiastic teenagers may be concerned that wearing braces may cause physical injuries to the inside of the mouth and restrictions on movement.

  • Not comfortable  

    Soreness may occur when you start wearing braces, and regular adjustments and external stimuli may affect your teen's daily life. In particular, it affects classroom and academic performance.

How does Zenyum Invisible Braces help teens regain a confident smile?

With Zenyum invisible braces, teens can have a beautiful smile, boost their self-confidence, and take care of their teeth more easily. Our invisible braces are a popular choice for teenagers and parents due to their almost transparent and comfortable fit.

  • Improves oral health

    Zenyum invisible braces make it easier for teens to clean their teeth as they are removed and put on, allowing them to maintain daily oral care without any problems, reducing the risk of tooth decay, plaque build-up and dental disease, and effectively maintaining optimal oral hygiene.

  • Improve quality of life/social interaction without distractions

    With invisible braces, you can achieve a healthy smile and boost your self-confidence, significantly improving your youth's overall quality of life. Zenyum's invisible braces are almost transparent, leaving teens' self-esteem unaffected, making them more comfortable participating in social activities and building meaningful relationships.

  • Prevent future dental problems

    In the long run, if you want to have a neat smile, you can save time and money by straightening your teeth early. By addressing dental problems during the teenage years, more complex and costly treatments can often be avoided later on.


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Improves oral health

Zenyum invisible braces make it easier for teens to clean their teeth as they are removed and put on, allowing them to maintain daily oral care without any problems, reducing the risk of tooth decay, plaque build-up and dental disease, and effectively maintaining optimal oral hygiene.

A critical stage in the development of teeth

Adolescence is an important stage in tooth development, and Zenyum invisible braces are effective in addressing issues such as crooked teeth or crowding. Early braces prevent wear and tear on the teeth due to unevenness, while reducing pressure on the lower jaw joint and improving chewing function.

Prevent future dental problems

In the long run, if you want to have a neat smile, you can save time and money by straightening your teeth early. By addressing dental problems during the teenage years, more complex and costly treatments can often be avoided later on.

Improve quality of life/social interaction without distractions

With invisible braces, you can achieve a healthy smile and boost your self-confidence, significantly improving your youth's overall quality of life. Zenyum's invisible braces are almost transparent, leaving teens' self-esteem unaffected, making them more comfortable participating in social activities and building meaningful relationships.

Suitable for teenagers who use Zenyum invisible braces

While Zenyum Clear Braces offer an innovative and almost clear orthodontic solution, it is important to note that Clear Braces may not be suitable for all teenagers, depending on the individual situation. Here are some of the factors that may affect the suitability of Zenyum Clear Braces for teens

Suitable for teenagers who use Zenyum invisible braces

While Zenyum Clear Braces offer an innovative and almost clear orthodontic solution, it is important to note that Clear Braces may not be suitable for all teenagers, depending on the individual situation. Here are some of the factors that may affect the suitability of Zenyum Clear Braces for teens

  • age

    Suitable for teenagers over 13 years old.

  • Case complexity

    Treatment of mild to complex cases.

  • Stages of tooth development

    If a teenager's full set of permanent teeth has erupted, they can be treated.

  • oral hygiene

    It is very important for adolescents to maintain good oral hygiene during treatment.

  • Invisible braces wearing time

    Wear invisible braces for at least 20-22 hours a day.

After your teen completes a free online braces assessment, a professional dentist will make a diagnosis and determine whether Zenyum is a good fit After clear aligners, a registered dentist in Hong Kong will prescribe the most suitable treatment plan according to the specific needs and dental condition of the dentist.

Zenyum Clear Aligners with:

Comparison of traditional braces for teenagers

Find out which treatment option is right for you.

Traditional braces

Zenyum clear aligners


Easy to scratch the mouth. The steel wire can rub against the lips and tongue, causing pain.

Made of medical-grade comfort materials, it eliminates the inconvenience caused by steel wires. Fit snugly and apply a little pressure to help straighten your teeth.

Risk of injury

Prone to injury during strenuous activities such as sports.

It can be removed at any time when necessary, such as playing sports and playing musical instruments, as part of daily life.


Teenagers are prone to appearance anxiety. While adjusting to braces, you may face temporary speech difficulties.

It is not easy to detect and attract attention. Teenagers are more likely to adapt to everyday life.

Oral health

Due to the obstruction of steel wires, it is difficult to clean teeth, and food can easily remain in the braces or teeth, increasing the risk of plaque formation.

It can be removed and worn when eating, and it is easy to clean your teeth and floss your teeth by brushing and flossing.

Dietary restrictions

Dietary adjustments may need to be made to avoid certain foods damaging the braces.

It can be removed while eating without worrying about damaging the braces, and teens can continue to enjoy their favorite foods.

Lifestyle changes

Certain lifestyle adjustments may need to be made in the early stages.

Keeping track of their personal lives allows teens to continue to enjoy social activities and special occasions with less potential disruption to their studies.

  • Traditional braces

    Easy to scratch the mouth. The steel wire can rub against the lips and tongue, causing pain.

    Prone to injury during strenuous activities such as sports.

    Teenagers are prone to appearance anxiety. While adjusting to braces, you may face temporary speech difficulties.

    Due to the obstruction of steel wires, it is difficult to clean teeth, and food can easily remain in the braces or teeth, increasing the risk of plaque formation.

    Dietary adjustments may need to be made to avoid certain foods damaging the braces.

    Certain lifestyle adjustments may need to be made in the early stages.

  • Zenyum clear aligners

    Made of medical-grade comfort materials, it eliminates the inconvenience caused by steel wires. Fit snugly and apply a little pressure to help straighten your teeth.

    It can be removed at any time when necessary, such as playing sports and playing musical instruments, as part of daily life.

    It is not easy to detect and attract attention. Teenagers are more likely to adapt to everyday life.

    It can be removed and worn when eating, and it is easy to clean your teeth and floss your teeth by brushing and flossing.

    It can be removed while eating without worrying about damaging the braces, and teens can continue to enjoy their favorite foods.

    Keeping track of their personal lives allows teens to continue to enjoy social activities and special occasions with less potential disruption to their studies.


What should I do if I lose a pair of Zenyum aligners?

Losing a pair of invisible braces can interrupt your treatment plan. Contact a Zenyum Smile Specialist or your dentist today. Your dentist may recommend that you wear your next set of braces for a longer period of time or order a new pair of replacement braces.

Do invisible braces hurt?

Initially, you may experience some discomfort as your teeth adjust to each new invisible braces. This discomfort is usually mild and temporary. Your dentist may recommend over-the-counter pain relievers to help relieve any pain.

Can I play sports or play a musical instrument with invisible braces?

You can exercise and play musical instruments with invisible braces. However, it is advisable to wear a mouthguard while exercising to protect your teeth and braces. It is advisable to check with your dentist for specific details.

Can I remove my aligners on special occasions?

While it is generally recommended to wear invisible braces for at least 22 hours a day, you can remove them briefly on special occasions. It is important not to make it a habit, as self-discipline in wearing braces is essential for successful treatment.

Will invisible braces affect my speech?

Initially, wearing clear aligners may interfere slightly with your speech as your tongue adjusts to the braces. Over time, most people get used to it and are comfortable talking. Tip: Practising speaking and reading aloud can help speed up the adaptation process.

Do I need to see my dentist often?

Regular check-ups with your dentist are necessary to track your progress. Although clear braces usually save fewer visits to the dentist than traditional braces, it is important to follow the recommended number of check-ups and adjustments.

Do invisible braces make me look weird?

The clear braces are designed to be almost transparent and less inconspicuous, making them less noticeable than traditional braces. As your teeth gradually move to the desired position and you start to have a confident smile, there will be less anxiety about your appearance.

Do I need braces when eating and drinking?

It is highly recommended to remove your braces while eating and drinking. Food/sugar may stick between your teeth and clear braces, leading to tooth decay. Your dentist may recommend enhanced oral care during clear braces treatment, such as brushing your teeth more frequently, flossing, and mouthwash, to keep your teeth in good condition.